Special press release: OGUN STATE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, IGBESA. SUG (STUDENT UNION GOVERNMENT) There is a popular quote which is “a river that forgets it source will definitely run dry” OGITECH Students Union Government wish to relay her endless gratitude to the first ever S.U.G caretaker Chairman for her unswervingContinue Reading

I have come to realize the truth behind Matin Luther King statement date back when he said, “the day you keep silent on issues that matters,that is when your life begin to ruin” On this note I write as a student of ogitech and as an administrator. I write onContinue Reading

No more is a hit banger released by three promising artists; Topper ft Emmyrich and Tend. After series of singles dropped the three decided to come together to express their feelings. Download No more is a hip hop song comprising rap and choruses carefully crafted for it purpose. Enjoy DownloadContinue Reading

An OGITITE who happened to be speaker of the Association of Mass Communication Students (AMACOS); Rt.Hon Afolabi Emmanuel has put to writing an open letter to the government of Ogun state. This he made public by submitting to us for publication. The letter reads; Your Excellency sir, I will likeContinue Reading

Just yesterday 27th May, 2020 it was reported that the school website www.ogitech.edu.ng was hacked by one acclaimed “Dayounghaxor” which caused panic and fear among students via the social media as some made mockery of the school’s website security system. The School’s ICT department were definately not going to letContinue Reading

Information reaching us now as at 7:40pm on Wednesday 27th of may, 2020 confirmed that the school’s official website www.ogitech.edu.ng has been hacked. First we thought it was an usual students prank as we confirmed this ourself by visiting the website around the same time range but was surprised toContinue Reading

The student Union government of OGITECH celebrates the Eid Festival with all Muslims brothers and sisters of the institution. In a broadcast made by the President; Come. Eniola Ogunleye, it reads: STUDENT UNION GOVERNMENT OGUN STATE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IGBESA Eid 2020: Our Victory is Near As the glorious monthContinue Reading