Beware! School website hacked!!

Information reaching us now as at 7:40pm on Wednesday 27th of may, 2020 confirmed that the school’s official website has been hacked.

First we thought it was an usual students prank as we confirmed this ourself by visiting the website around the same time range but was surprised to see some unusual information on the website homepage. Usually, the website would display some past events and other related announcement, unfortunately we can noe see “Hacked by Dayounghaxor”. “Where’s your fucking security”. “Security is just an illusion”

Hacked Homepage of the website

Even as this seem unusual, students are adviced to be aware and stay vigilant as this might be used to carry out malicious activities. We are certain that this won’t last as the school being a School of Technology driven with sustainability will surely trace the culprit hence showcased as a scape goat.