Meet eSight 3, glasses that can give sight to the blind

Stories by Juliet Umeh

For people who are visually impaired, direction-finding is always a big challenge to them, though support canes can help out. Of the 285 million people worldwide considered blind, 86 per cent are legally blind with low vision caused by macular degeneration, glaucoma and other eye conditions.

However, with the latest technological device known as eSight 3, the visually impaired can now see objects.

eSight’s headsets look a lot like any other VR or AR gear out there. But while most virtual reality systems are built to make digital worlds more realistic, the eSight aims to do just the opposite, using augmented reality headsets and digital technology to help bring the real world to individuals who are legally blind.


How does it work?

Once users put on eSight, it records high­ definition video and uses magnification, contrast and proprietary algorithms to enhance that imagery into something the visually impaired can see.

It enhances the centre portion of vision, allowing the wearer to identify faces, read expressions and discern other details. At the same time, the design of eSight 3 minimizes to the extent to which the headset obscures peripheral vision.

With this device on, the visually impaired can partake in a variety of activities such as sports, which would otherwise be off-­limits.
